Tuesday, April 4, 2017

DAW was so much fun! We built our monkey bridge
 and won 2nd place in lashings! The majority of
everyone eligible got into the Order of the Arrow.
We taught many scouts how to tie the square
lashing and more! We were so sad that the last night
 was canceled, beacuse of a chance of flooding
and tornados! I know I had a blast and so did
everyone else.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Now that spring break is over get ready for DAW next weekend. It will be a lot of fun and you should go. We are building a monkey bridge so come to the meetings to practice lashings.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Scout Sunday

    John Demopolous attended scout Sunday at his church which is a Greek Orthodox Church! Great job John and we hope other scouts attended their own Church.

Scout Skills campout

The Scout Skills campout was a fun campout! We spent the morning of 2/18/17 learning important fire and sharp tool safety. We ate lunch then explored the creek bed. Later we learned knots and how to set up gear. After that we ate a great foil dinner made by the Martian Jackolopes. The weather was sunny for the whole day then at night the clouds rolled in but it didn't rain. Next time more scouts need to come.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Troop Metting

The campout this weekend has been changed to the Shady Hollow Community Center. We will have lots of fun and practice scout skills. Please show up for the fun! The sign up deadline is tomorrow 2/16/17 so please sign up! The troop meeting on Monday 2/13 was to change the patrols up so every one was switched around but some of the active patrols were kept together.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Last night we all earned some cool badges and awards at the Court of Honor. Among them were ranks ups, polar bear awards(Under 32 degrees fahrenheit), Merit badges, and even some Presidential Medals of Volunteering. These awards are great but even made Gold in JTE for 2016, so keep ranking up and rolling in the badges. Additionally, We were exited to watch a cub scout crossover into boy scouts (he was already a 448 scout, but missed his crossover). We loved watching the ceremony and hope to keep recruiting. Next week is a very special week, We will all be voting on OA  or Order of the Arrow members so come to vote for yourself and your friends.

The Last campout sounded like fun! I'm sad that I couldn't go. We all built fires and practiced our scout skills. I think that we should do more of these campouts. If you think so pleas show up to the PLC meetings to decide on upcoming events. The meetings are open to every one not just council members.

                                       Raleigh Mack,
                                              Troop 448 Historian