Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas

To end the year off with a bang, our troop had its annual Christms party. The party started with a flag ceremony performed by our color guard. Next, we had a small buffet- pizza and sandwiches topped off with a lot of desserts. After our brief meal, Mr. Gonzalez organized a mini-golf contest for the right to play our troop Deal-or-No Deal game. Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to play Deal-or-No Deal.

Our final event of the night was the white elephant gift exchange. Some people got some good gifts, while others, not so much. The gifts given this year were unique, to say the least. We had people leave with things such as pineapples and Barbie dolls. In the end everyone had a good time.

Here are the pictures.

(Written by: John Michael R., T448 Historian)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Our troop recently traveled to Blanco State Park for a fishing trip. At first, not much was caught. That was until I landed the first trout of the day. After that, everybody came to the site where I caught the fish.

It was a fishing frenzy. Fish after fish, cast after cast, we caught em' all, big and small. Towards the end of the day, a few of our fellow fisherman became superstitious about me because I caught the most fish. By that time I had caught 6 trout while many of the other scouts were catching up. In the end, many of the scouts had enough fish to feed their families for the night. Congratulations to our troop fishermen for their catches of the day.

Here are the photos.

(Written by: John Michael R., T448 historian)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gordon/Serrano Eagle Court of Honor

Josh Gordon, Matt Gordon, and Zach Serrano celebrated their Eagle rank at their Court of Honor. The Texas Capitol served as the setting for this great event. The whole troop, along with family members and other Scouting VIP's enjoyed the afternoon.

All three Eagle Scouts are commended for achieving this great success. Their hard work paid off.

Congratulations to these three Eagle Scouts. You guys serve as an inspiration to the rest of the troop.

Great Job!

Want to see more photos? Click here.

(Written by Michael Reyes)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Trot

This Thanksgiving, several scouts from troop 448 volunteered to help with the Turkey Trot 10k run. The scouts helped keep the runners on the right course. Thank you to all of the scouts that woke up early on Thanksgiving to help with the run.

Here are the pictures.

( written by John Michael R., T448 Historian)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Knights of Columbus Breakfast ~ 11-23-08

This morning, our troop woke up early to make breakfast for the Knights of Columbus. We all met at the church at 7:00 AM to start setting up the hall and making breakfast. We set up tables and decorated them with a Thanksgiving theme. The dining hall looked nice.

The adults and the boys prepared breakfast consisting of eggs, hash browns, biscuits, bacon, sausage, fruit, and waffles. The food was served buffet style by the Boy Scouts. Before breakfast, our Chaplain’s Aid, Grayson B. said grace and the Troop had a flag ceremony. The flag ceremony was conducted by, Jonathan G., Nathan H., Josh S. and Carlos T.

After the Knights had breakfast, the troop took over and ate the rest. When it was all done, we all helped clean up the dining hall and kitchen. We had a good time doing this service for the Knights of Columbus.

Thanks to all the adults and boys who helped with this project.

Click here to look at the pictures from this event.

(Written by John Michael R., Troop Historian)

Lost Pines Campout ~ 11-14 to 11-16, 2008

Ready. Aim. Fire!

Rifle Shooting and Orienteering, now that is what we call fun. We spent this past weekend camping at the Lost Pines Scout camp. This campout was "aimed" at rifle shooting and orienteering. After arriving at camp on Friday night, we all got rest to get ready for the big day. Half of the group went rifle shooting and the other half went orienteering. After lunch, the groups switched.

We all had a great time shooting and orienteering. All the boys qualified for the Junior USA Shooting Team during their time on the range. Several boys completed the shooting requirement for the rifle shooting merit badge, shooting three rounds on the target that could be covered by a quarter. During the rifle shooting portion, Mr. Svrcek gave us a demonstration of muzzleloading shooting.

We all had a great time shooting. By the way, Levi S. had the highest score during the shooting team qualification. Way to go, Levi!

After the day of shooting and orienteering, those who stayed for the Saturday night campout earned their Polar Bear award. Many of these Scouters earned both the Chili Pepper (over 100 degrees) and Polar Bear (under 32 degrees) awards in 2008.

It was cold, but fun.

Here are more pictures.

(Written by John Michael R.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Webelos Woods ~ October 24-26, 2008

What fun we had!

Calling all Webelos. Our troop participated in Webelos Woods this weekend. During this recruitment weekend, we showed all visiting Webelos our activity board, our chuck boxes, and gave them a treat of cinnamon rolls. We had a lot of visitors to our campsite.

We also had the Chicken Team win third place in the Dutch oven cooking contest. We baked a prickly pear fruit cobbler. We all got thorns in our fingers, but it was worth it. Like always, we had a great weekend.

Click here if you want to see more photos.

(Written by John Michael R., Troop Historian)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Court of Honor ~ 10-19-08

Congratulations to all Troop 448 Scouts. We had a great Court of Honor and the Scouts were recognized for all their hard work during the past six months. There were a lot of rank awards earned. We were also awared a ton of merit badges. After a great award ceremony, we had great food and enjoyed an awesome slideshow.

We hope everyone had fun. Click here for the pictures.

(Written by John Michael R., Troop Historian)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Having fun at El Rancho Cima ~ 09-19 to 09-21, 2008

The Troop 448 boys had a blast at camp. We left for the campout on Friday night and had fun setting up camp in the dark. After breakfast on Saturday, we went on a long hike. After a few confusing turns, we made it back to camp in time for lunch. After lunch, Mr. Serrano conducted our leadership training. Who ever knew that we would have so much fun with the training. Before we came home on Sunday, we did a conservation project for the camp.

All the boys (and adults) had fun at this campout.

Here are the pictures.

(written by John Michael R., Troop Historian)