Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lost Pines Campout ~ 11-14 to 11-16, 2008

Ready. Aim. Fire!

Rifle Shooting and Orienteering, now that is what we call fun. We spent this past weekend camping at the Lost Pines Scout camp. This campout was "aimed" at rifle shooting and orienteering. After arriving at camp on Friday night, we all got rest to get ready for the big day. Half of the group went rifle shooting and the other half went orienteering. After lunch, the groups switched.

We all had a great time shooting and orienteering. All the boys qualified for the Junior USA Shooting Team during their time on the range. Several boys completed the shooting requirement for the rifle shooting merit badge, shooting three rounds on the target that could be covered by a quarter. During the rifle shooting portion, Mr. Svrcek gave us a demonstration of muzzleloading shooting.

We all had a great time shooting. By the way, Levi S. had the highest score during the shooting team qualification. Way to go, Levi!

After the day of shooting and orienteering, those who stayed for the Saturday night campout earned their Polar Bear award. Many of these Scouters earned both the Chili Pepper (over 100 degrees) and Polar Bear (under 32 degrees) awards in 2008.

It was cold, but fun.

Here are more pictures.

(Written by John Michael R.)

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