Monday, July 19, 2010

Christopher Frasquieri’s Eagle COH

Christopher Frasquieri had his Eagle Court of Honor on Saturday at the Texas Capitol. Chris received his Eagle Scout rank at the end of a large ceremony. Guests had barbeque before, and cake after.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

BTSR Summer Camp 2010

This Year's summer camp took place at Buffalo Trails Scout Ranch in the Davis Mountains. Over 70 people from our troop attended the campout, along with many kids from other troops, which amounted to over 300 people in base camp, not counting mountain man and calvacade. Everyone had a great time, even though we got rain every day for hours at a time. On thursday we visited the McDonald Observatory and learned things about space there, but with the rain, we couldn't see the telescopes.

Everyone had a lot of fun at BTSR