Monday, December 5, 2016

On November the 18-20, 2016 we had a shooting campout!  We all had a great time shooting rifles, shotguns, and bows.  It did get a little cold on Saturday night but we all got our Polar Bear badges!  Javier qualified for shotgun and finished his badge!  Go Phoenix!  Everyone had fun in the big troop capture the flag game we played. The view of the lake was beautiful! Everyone had fun and ate great food. The adult food was cooked by my father, Douglass mack! Brian did a great and creative way of cooking his patrols burgers!

We loved watching the scouts qualify for their rifle and shotgun merits badges! We all still had a great time shooting just for fun! Great job guys! Thank everyone for showing up to the camp out and I look forward to the next one!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

July 4 Parade

 On July 4 the troop marched in a parade with another troop from Marbridge. We marched to the community pool and then they had a celebration, there many interesting things to see there and many people came to watch, at the pool there were refreshments and food. There were firetrucks and many people came with different cars and had them decorated. I hope everyone had a good time!

Summit and Northern Tier

Hey Troop,

Most of you might not have known but, the troop had a Summit and Northern Tier group this year! If you don’t know what summit is, it is a brand new, high adventure scout ranch in West Virginia, and they have many different programs for people to try out. Four people went to summit this year and they did the skating program and some did tree climbing/zip lining and even shooting! They were there for about a week and had lots of fun, they even saw a bear while they were there! We did have a Northern Tier group this year too, at Northern Tier you do lots of canoeing in/near Canada. They go for about a week and make there own route through the hundreds of miles of water in Canada. Hope everyone had fun!

Summer Photos



Mountain Man




Summer Camp!

Hey Troop!

This year, as most of you know. The troop went to BTSR for summer camp this year! Some of the troop even went to Sea Base, I heard that it was tons of fun. BTSR is located in East Texas and it sure was hot there, the camp had many different options available, and several of them being High Adventure. There was Mountain Man, Cavalcade, and Back Packing. Me personally did the Mountain Man, which was tons of fun! You got to throw tomahawks and knives and shoot black powder, and I highly suggest it. At base camp though the rest of the troop accomplished lots of merit badges. And some of the younger scouts did the Road To Eagle class and got second class as well as achieved most of their first class requirements! But sometimes there are not so great things at summer camp. The food apparently was not the best, as well as the serving times. But I hope everyone had a good time there, I certainly did. Sea Base how ever were on there boat for two weeks, and had a lot of fun. They caught fish and learned how to sail a boat, they learned lashings and lots of other fun stuff! Me personally would have gotten sea sick (I’m not one for boats)!  I hope everyone had fun!
NOTICE: I will make another blog post dedicated just for pictures.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

District Adventure Weekend

The Troop went and camped out at a very beautiful property for District Adventure Weekend! First Aid, Orienteering, Archery and Slingshot were available. Over 300 people were there, and there was lots to do. The troop did a service project and built a very pretty fire ring, the troop also got 7 awards to put on our flag! Hope everyone had a good time!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Troop Lock-In/Camp out!

The troop stayed at the Shady Hollow community center and had a great time! The troop had a new scout introduced into the group, Ryan learned a lot out there and I hope he had fun. The troop learned flag etiquette and learned lashings, we had cooking groups which we had for the entire trip, some cooked steak and some cooked K-bobs. We had a great big bonfire and Emergency Preparedness was taught. Hope everyone had a great time!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Backpacking Camp out

February 20th the troop drove out to Lost Pines for the Backpacking/Cooking camp out. We had a "4 mile" hike in the morning and had part of the shotgun range open to the troop, Caleb and Zac Harrell cooked for most of the troop. They made cherry cobbler and Beef Stroganoff. Some of the troop went off to go and play Capture the Flag which was a great time! The guys even tried to catch some fish! Hope everyone had a great time!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Report to State!

The troop had lots of fun at the 67th annual Report to State parade. Even the close to freezing temperatures couldn't dampen our spirits! There were an estimated number of 1,000 people there, the troop gave out para-cord bracelets to all of the other scouts. We marched on Congress Ave. to the capital where there was a Scout Spirit Rally. I really hope everyone had a great time!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Escape and Evasion Camp out

Through 1/16 and 1/17 the troop had the escape and evasion camp out. We played CTF and had lots of fun! Some of the scouts made amazing Bar-B-Que!

Court of Honor 

On the 11th of January the troop got together for an award ceremony. Many scouts got merit badges and rank advancement, Brennon did a great job saying the names of all the scouts. Hope everyone had a good time!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Community Center Service Project

The troop helped out on the 2nd, to stop erosion from messing up the Gazebo at the Community Center. Mr. Kennedy helped make chicken for the people who came. Thanks Mr. Kennedy!  

Trail of Lights

In late December the troop volunteered to help the staff at the Trail of Lights, sadly from my knowledge none of the Troop got to actually go on the Trail like last year. But the sight was amazing from the field.

Community Center Decorations

On the 30th of November the troop put up lights on a couple of signs around the Community Center and at the sides of Brodie. The troop is very happy to be the Community Center and I hope everyone had a good time.